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Yea! Hannah! Here are the pictures from her graduation with a M.Div. degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York City, May 2007, and other related trip pictures.

This site is currently under construction. It is an archival site for the Hofheinz family, centered on those which immigrated to Texas in the late 1860's (of which I am a member of the fifth generation). All branches are welcome however, even those without a known direct connnection, and perhaps the extended jigsaw can be put together.

Contributions of stories, pictures, and other information are encouraged. This is a free site which I am providing. I am in the process of building an automated way for members of the family to upload information. Until then, please call or contact me by email and we can discuss how best to put information on site. I look forward to working with you.

Here are some pictures from March, 2001

Here are some kids pictures from the Walter Hofheinz family, including some old pictures of Hannah, Daniel, and Tessa, and pictures from Ben's birthday in 2001.

Here are the pictures from Tessa's prom in May of 2003.

Other picture sets:

2003 dinner at Cindy and Bobby Deegan's

Walter's 2005 Appreciation Celebration

Walter's 2006 Appreciation Celebration

Although this site will be public, no information will be used for any commercial purpose.

For information, contact wwh@hofheinzlaw.com. You can also call Walter at 214.363.2400.